Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bad Harbor Commission Board

I had forgotten how bad board meetings can be to attend, as a member of the public. I have not attended any for several years, but one night listening to the dysfunctional Harbor Commission brought it all back to me like a bad dream. As one observer observed, the meeting could be summed up in one action, when Commissioner Tucker asked a staff person, whose imminent maternity leave had just been approved, to waddle across a crowded room to get him a glass of water.
Commissioner Holtzinger recently made a public comment that he was disappointed that members of the public were not observing these meetings. Well the fishermen and women of our harbor showed up this evening, and when he saw them all he immediately moved to table the agenda item regarding new lease fees, fish buying fees and fish license fees. It appeared he wanted to table the discussion until the fishermen got tired and left.
The rest of the agenda items appeared to have only one purpose, muzzling of Commissioner Brennan. It seems she has actually been trying to do things, like dredge the harbor, make plans for dredge the harbor in the future, which would be approved by the coastal commission, without the board needing to request emergency actions, oh and she held a committee meeting. Tsk, tsk, Commissioner Brennan. Did I say muzzle, I meant gag. You thought Washington DC was dysfunctional? You should listen to a Harbor Commission Meeting.