Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have once again made it even harder to borrow.

I know a young woman who owns a condo. She purchased it back in 2006 when of course it looked like a great deal. No one would have criticized her for the purchase at the time. She is now deeply under water. But she still has her job, and can still make the payments. She wants to buy a house. Houses are now going for less money then she paid for her condo. She wants to walk, but of course if she does that, she won’t qualify for a loan. Who would want to lend to a person who just walked from her obligation?

She can afford to rent the unit out, and her negative would only be 400 a month, seems like a perfect solution, doesn’t it? Rent it out, buy the house, and in time rent will make it a great investment. Trouble is though she has over 100,000 invested in the unit, she has no equity. The new Fannie Mae requirements are that you have a 30% equity in your rental, plus a years lease. So she is in the perfect catch 22, where she cannot hold it (and buy), nor can she walk away and move.

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